It’s easy to dismiss. It’s more difficult to understand
© Article, images, videos and all other material courtesy of buildingbensbrain.com
In 2012, my sister in law started telling me about an international clinic in Philadelphia that helps kids and adults with Cerebral palsy, autism, Downs, ADHD, genetic issues, stroke, Parkinson’s, etc. I completely dismissed learning or even researching about it for 2 years!
My sister in law and brother in law would keep encouraging me to learn more, but it didn’t matter what success story they shared or what statistics that proved the approach was effective, I was hell bent not to deviate from the pack.
I can remember dismissing a comprehensive neurological approach simply because no one in my area was doing it. I had no clue what it involved. None of the multiple therapists and doctors we had seen over the 9 years knew anything about a comprehensive neurological program and thus when I was told about it, I immediately dismissed it without a second thought.
Because of the collage of pictures comparing the differences and the independence my son has gained, I feel compelled to share that straying from the pack has its advantages.
2015 Grandparents Day at school
Before a evidence-based comprehensive neurological program it didn’t matter what environment Ben was in, he struggled everywhere. Ben struggled less at home, but we as his family struggled, because our lives were dictated by Ben’s demands and struggles.
Ben has always worked with dedicated and intelligent staff members. Ben has always been loved and cared for whether at school, clinics, home, church, etc…but no matter the support and love, Ben’s brain wasn’t developing and we as a family were tired of coping and managing symptoms and behaviors.
The pictures provide a visual, because a picture speaks a thousand words and it is easy to dismiss my words, but harder to dismiss the visuals of Ben struggling versus recovering.
(I have no idea what level of independence Ben will attain. I just know that it’s been 5 years of implementing a comprehensive neurological program and we have only gained skills and independence.)
I understand all too well how easy it is to dismiss advice. I was once like that, and still catch myself dismissing challenging projects in fear of failure or creating false hope.
I’m just posting this blog in hopes that today instead of dismissing a comprehensive neurological approach you start understanding more about it.
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© Article, images, videos and all other material courtesy of buildingbensbrain.com