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All parents want their children to be happy, healthy, and successful, but your child is struggling neurodevelopmentally.

It’s hard for you to see your child frustrated, sad, and struggling to reach their true potential.

The experts are telling you there is very little you can do for your child and not to expect much.

You worry about your child’s future – will they be able to take care of themselves when you are not there anymore?

You want your child to get better, but they are not making progress.

No matter what though, you will not stop looking for ways to help your child.

Liz Strawbridge, MD

After suffering a stroke and severe meningitis, my 4-year-old son was left with right sided motor impairment, difficulty with short and long-term memory, spatial disorientation and sensory processing issues. As many parents who suffer the trauma of having a brain-injured child, we could see his heart and soul were still bursting with abundant life and beauty.

The Thompson Family

We are a family of six. My husband and I have four children. Our second child, Ben, started receiving services for autism at age two and a half. We were very proactive and diligent in seeking therapies and advice from the best, but after nine years of speech, occupational, physical, and behavioral therapies, Ben, at age eleven and a half, still struggled immensely

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How We Help In 2 Minutes


The experts say your child can’t improve.

We are sure they can.

We’ve helped thousands of parents significantly strengthen their children’s neurological abilities.

We look forward to partnering with you to teach you how to do the same.

Watch the video about how we help in 2 minutes:

Liz Strawbridge, MD

It made much more sense to me that we should be working on creating new neurological pathways rather than trying to fix the manifestation of the broken ones…

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The Thompson Family

If you were ever told that your child is incapable or have been force-fed a “doom and gloom” prognosis, then it is time to remove those professionals from your roster and sign on new talent…

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We Are Believers, For Good Reason

For more than 40 years,we’ve studied the neurological origins of disabilities in children and developed practical, effective ways of promoting brain healing and growth.

We started our own family during the early part of this 40-year journey. Two of our children faced complex neurodevelopmental difficulties

We applied the same approaches to our children that we teach to all parents, and with lots of love, hard work, and dedication, our children overcame their challenges.

Today, our daughters are confident adults with meaningful relationships and purposeful professional lives.

So, we have two perspectives to share with you—one as parents and one as professionals.

As parents, we truly understand what you are going through, and we know how resilient you are.

As professionals, we know that with few exceptions, every injury to the brain is capable of healing – given the correct approach, dedicated effort, and time.

Directors of the Family Hope Center


Learn How Your Child’s Brain Works And Grows

Understand how injuries and poor function in the brain show up as developmental delays, learning disabilities, and other diagnoses like ADHD and autism.


Assess Your Child’s Current Neurodevelopmental Abilities

Measuring the developmental and functional abilities of your child is the most vital step in building a successful plan to help them.

Use our parent-friendly evaluation tool to evaluate how your child’s brain is developing and find out which neurological pathways and physiological systems need the most support.


Implement Your Child’s Individualized Home-based Neurodevelopmental Treatment Plan

Take personal control of your child’s neurotherapeutic activities and nutrition as you implement their treatment plan in your home.


Update Your Child’s Neurodevelopmental Treatment Plan As They Develop And Progress

Neuroplasticity is a reality, and as you work with your child at home, you will begin to see positive changes. As that happens, you will periodically reassess your child to account for this growth. Each reassessment will provide you with an easy and objective way to see how your child is progressing and will be the basis for your child’s updated treatment plan.

Conditions We Address

At the Family Hope Center, we work with parents of children who have an extensive and complex array of neurologically based challenges, (dis)abilities, and disorders.

If your child’s difficulties are of neurological or neurodevelopmental origin or if they have a medical or genetic condition with neurodevelopmental consequences, we can help.

We work with parents of children who have received the following diagnoses:

ADD/ADHD - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Behavioral Disorders - e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders

Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Delays

Speech Disorders

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Auditory Processing Disorder

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

Genetic Disorders - e.g., Down syndrome

Learning Disabilities - e.g., dyslexia

Seizure Disorders - e.g., epilepsy

Sensory Processing Disorder

Motor Disorders

Intellectual Disabilities

Measuring Results

The effectiveness of any therapeutic approach must be periodically assessed using standardized and validated measures. The Family Hope Center assesses the effectiveness of its approach using the WeeFIM®, the pediatric version of the Functional Independence MeasureTM (FIM®).

Both the FIM® and WeeFIM® were developed by Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSMR) from the World Health Organization’s bio-psycho-social model of disability. They are functional assessment tools for evaluating essential abilities in individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities along three dimensions: self-care, motor function, and cognition.

UDSMR notes: “Since its inception in 1987, the FIM® instrument has been widely regarded and adopted by clinicians and researchers around the world for its brevity and reliability. A sizeable library of supporting research and study sustains the FIM® instrument’s reliability and validity. To date, more than 1,300 published articles support the FIM® instrument, and ongoing research and study continues.” (Read more clinical research about the WeeFIM here).

Our WeeFIM® results show that children’s neurological and functional capabilities significantly improve through the Family Hope Center’s parent-implemented home-based therapy.

Group Progress A

Group Progress A

Group Progress B

Group Progress B

Group Progress C

Group Progress C

Group Progress D

Group Progress D

What We Are Offering You

We believe that loving families make the best therapists.

We also know that the brain has an incredible capability to heal. Our job is to give parents the tools to make that happen.

With that in mind, we make the following commitments to you:

We will help you understand how your child’s brain works and what you can do to promote their neurodevelopment

We will guide you as you complete an objective evaluation of your child’s current neurodevelopmental abilities and help you design an effective treatment plan

We will partner with you as you successfully implement your child’s treatment plan at home

We will support you as you routinely monitor your child’s progress, reassess them, and update their treatment plan

Nellie, Pete’s Mom

I was embarrassed by his actions most of the time and was getting desperate for help. My loving friends told me about the Family Hope Center and dragged me to the 3-day parent training. At the training, many of the behaviors I’d observed were no longer a mystery…

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Pete, Nellie’s Son

At the time of this writing I am seventeen years old. I’ve been doing this program for just over three years now. And whereas at the start, when I didn’t see the point of what I was doing, I now see the benefits.

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Nancy Werner, MD

It is thrilling to see the decades of dedication spearheaded by Matthew and Carol Newell and their diverse team at the Family Hope Center encapsulated in this book. In it, their philosophy, approach, and results in overcoming neurological injuries—even the most severe cases—are made accessible to professionals and families alike.

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Linda Baker, MD, CCH, Portland, OR

If you’re the parent of a special needs child, please read this book. You will find an empowering and refreshing way of viewing your child’s condition. The information presented here will help you to understand what is happening, to get to the root cause of the problem and give you a roadmap for helping your child to heal.

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Our Specialists

Our interdisciplinary team specializes in multiple fields of medicine and therapy with one thing in common: helping you learn how to optimize your child’s brain growth and development.

Start understanding your child’s brain!

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